This River Of Life activity is designed to help participants think about who they are, where they come from, and what their story is in life. The river is a metaphor, a symbol of life, used as a tool to depict personal journeys or stories. A river can sometimes flow slower, other times it can flow faster, and there are always obstacles in the flow of a river.
The modules or programs are formed depending on the storytelling methods and they are instructional resources for youth workers, trainers, teachers, and social workers who deal with and facilitate peer-to-peer learning within multicultural groups, especially in situations where young Europeans and immigrants—paying particular attention to refugees and asylum seekers—collaborated in inclusive learning settings. The programs can be used to create young people a space where they share their experiences through storytelling. They are a roadmap to integrate newcomers into a new environment so that they can feel heard and express their feelings in a safe dialogue.
‘The Suitcase of Memories’
Consists precisely in telling each other, trying to metabolize what has happened, sharing commonalities among migrants. Recover the main emotions: joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, contempt and surprise. From this, one must start again.
The art of visual storytelling involves reaching viewers on a profound and everlasting level with messages, emotions, narratives, and facts. These are presented through detailed graphics that were either made by artists and visual thinkers or were captured from the real world. And it is available in a wide variety of materials (digital or physical) and styles, exactly like flat-pack furniture.
The storytelling activity “Act it out!” uses different creative theatre tools and methods as a way for young people to effectively express themselves and share their stories with each other.
Life electrocardiogram is a tool to express key moments of a specific event or time of participants’ life. In this case, the life electrocardiogram was complementary to the previous tool – storyboard – to make them deeper reflect about their main challenges and achievements in their integration process when arriving in Portugal from another country.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© 2025 Gençleri Geleceğe Hazırlama ve İşsizlikle Mücadele Derneği (GEHİM-DER) I Tüm hakları saklıdır.