The project recognizes the need for urgent and effective interventions to foster social inclusion and nondiscrimination thus preventing racism and intolerance in a region that faces huge challenges in managing the arrival of large number of migrants some of whom are seeking protection.  

YIPPEE project wants to contribute to more equal, intercultural and inclusive youth local communities through new approaches and transnational initiatives where youth work based on true peer learning can be a means of growth both for EU and immigrant/refugees’ young generation.

YIPPEE project is clearly in line with one the overall objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme that, “Europe needs more cohesive and inclusive societies which allow citizens to play an active role in democratic life”.

This result embraces innovative approaches to peer-to-peer learning within young multicultural groups. It supports the work of youth workers, particularly those working in communities where there is a high density of immigrants, migrants, and asylum seekers. The peer-to-peer learning includes cultural exchanges between participants where they learn and experience different cultures, religions, and lifestyles. The learning modules/courses include a guide for youth workers/trainers/teachers/social workers working and facilitating peer-to-peer learning within multicultural groups.

This handbook tests out creative resources aiming to promote teamwork and foster cooperation between multicultural young people through peer learning. Following on from this piloting period, the partnership creates a set of guidelines for youth workers working with multicultural youth groups. The ultimate goal of the piloting and development of the guidelines is to prevent discrimination, segregation, and racism. The guidelines clarify the basic principles and approaches necessary to ensure quality youth work in relation to peer-to-peer learning within inclusive settings where Europeans and immigrants (especially refugees and migrants) work together.

Cross-sectoral cooperation is often declared as necessary in youth work in order to work on complex situations involving different competences. This result delivers guidelines on how to create sustainable networks through cross-sectoral cooperation. These guidelines are intended for all those local actors working with youth, such as Local Authorities, schools, NGOs, Job centers, who wish to enter into a cross-sector partnership but have limited experience with partnering.

The Protocol is a procedural document containing all the key aspects of the newly created learning approach and training path. The Protocol serves as a guide to validate and certify the competences of any professional making use of the innovative learning approach based on the new methodology developed by this project and the contents of the training tools developed. All the final versions of the project products developed so far are collected and harmonized to make the protocol a document easy to use.

Project Number: 2021-1-SE02-KA220-YOU-000028909

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



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European Solidarity Corps

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